Imbrez Black Or White
”Ansa” was again owner handled and BIS1 in 2012 was this time BIS4 2015. Annamaria worked very well dispite the fact that many years of showing have been alot to Ansa. She moved well and showed herself beautifully but have to admit that the fire of her younger days was not burning so hot. We noticed that for the first time in Norway where she became Nordic Winner 2014. But this great lady has earned such a lot in her brilliant career. She is one of our best showdogs and much more! It was huge to see her moving around the ring again and I will always remember Mr Rooney’s words: She just can move and deserves all. Thank You to both our Irish Speciality Show judges: black and silvers were judged by Simon Rooney, salt and peppers by Paul Scanlon.
Imbrez Opera’s Ghost
New coat and almost two months break from the shows. That defenitely made good to ”Aave”. This couple worked nicely together again. Do not know if this is beacause of training or is Aave so much after Anniina? Either way, it is great to see how well these two work together, how easily and freely Aave moves and stands. Few more months to go and she is grown up. Will she be our first champion of this year?
Imbrez Lucky Star
This was the first time ever in official classes in official show for this couple. There might have just been some butterflies in Marika’s stomach. When Marika got ”Idefix”, we had no show thoughts althouh Idefix was that stunning blue boy, a very lovely puppy (we only could hope for the shows). After that has happened a lot. These two have been in many unofficial shows and trained a lot. Marika has taken extremely good care of the coat and followed every advice we have given to her. Huge thanks to Marika for her commitment. 3rd in Junior class was excellent start for Idefix’s show career.
Imbrez Energizer
”Dina” was second time owner handled by Emilia. Nice movements and even some standing for lively Dina. Made this pair 3rd in their junior class. We are really happy to see these two youngsters in the ring. Just can not wait for the next summer and results after some more training. Thank you Emilia!
It has been great to see how these two girls have grown. Both sisters are excellent dogs, but same time different in many ways. We had problems deciding between them when they were puppies and we still have. Both are very classy girls with lot of attitude. And to owners: thank you and keep up the good work!
Imbrez Formalizer
The most faraway guest in our team this weekend. Thank you Anu for travelling more than half of Finland to this show. ”Era” was a little girl in Helsinki in the beginning of December. Still a little girl in Stockholm. In Kajaani in the beginning of January, she was already a little lady and she was that in Turku also. Beautifully handled by Anu. We have tens of pictures about this couple and Era looks great in all of them. It is easy to see how much training can do. Best Bitch 3 with res-CAC in beautiful Best Bitch Class was great result! Thank you once again.
Imbrez Fenway Park Avenue
was handled by Niina for the first time. Pretty ”Viivi” is still young and restless, and it sure takes a bit time to get her perfectly show trained. But movements were there again and even short moments of her beautiful standing. First in Intermediate class with Exc and CQ was great result for the day.
Memorytale’s Can I Care For You
This girl is after Heidi’s Memorytale’s breeding but still from our team being offspring of Imbrez iDoll, Imbrez Weekend Special and both our Sterling’ dogs. It is huge difference in ”Mila’s” coat from last summer to this moment and also in her appearance. Mila was stunning when she started her show career. And now she is even more. Heidi has done great work with Mila. And today’s result was only half what she can have! Second in open class with Exc and CQ was nice, but there will be more to come.