6th FI champion is Imbrez Crash Boom Bang!
Category Archive: Shows
5th champion from this season is Alfred! Thank You Tiina and Tiina! 4 dogs, 1 CAC, 2 reserves and on 3rd place.
Last time alone in a dog show? Can’t remember… Last time met John in a dog show? 2012. […]
Harjavalta Group Show gave us the 4th FI ch of this spring. CAC and FI CH to Samu and Excellent to Melly.
Over 400 km to drive on saturday. And at the hotel was warm Sauna and Swimming poll waiting […]
BOB and BOS. BM 1 and 3, BB 1 to 3
Hello spring! It was nice sunny winter Day when we left on friday morning from Turku to Helsinki […]
1 new LT CH, 6 x reserve cacib and 4 x CAC
When arriving to Göteborg, it has always been first visit to Pixbo and after that MyDog may begin. […]
Something special for this show.
Long waited first certificate to Zena.
Crash got what he wanted and then some. Zen got his first champion title in just age of 16 months. Jack enjoyed the hotel breakfasts as usual and Addy was just collecting some more experience.
It was like coming home again after few years. The atmosphere of Estonian city Pärnu is just something […]
Imbrez Crash Boom Bang oli tänä vuonna poroa etsimässä Rovaniemellä ja saikin oman poron porotokan jatkoksi. Pike oli […]
This year Harjavalta show was a bit later on May, which ment excellent weather and almost ready green […]
2 new titles to Nasti
First BOB to Imbrez LIght of My Life
Three shows around the country in a day, 2 x BOB and 3 x BOS and 3 new champions. Thank you all involved!
Valmistautuminen näyttelyyn alkoi tuomarin muutoksen merkeissä. Borge Espeland oli tullut uudeksi tuomariksi. Pienen miettimisen jälkeen päätettiin Katrin kanssa […]
Heräsimme Roxien kanssa äitienpäivän kunniaksi vanhempieni luota Kouvolasta aurinkoiseen näyttelyaamuun. Koska iltapäivällä oli tarkoituksena jatkaa matkaa Varkaudesta kohti […]
Two reserves were close, but not enough.
In the beginning of May I had a late winter holiday with my family in Eastern Finland and […]
Kotiseudulle Pohjois-Karjalaan… suunnattiin auton keula. Sukulaisvierailuihin on aina hyvä yhdistää koiranäyttely ja näin oli nytkin. Illaksi Joensuuhun ja […]
Just a weekend trip to the other side of the country offered good friends and nice dogs.
New Champions: Crash and Piper
Lithuanian Winner 2017
Ansa is back in the business! What a girl power we had, so proud!
What a team we had: 8 salt & peppers and one black & silver! That was huge!
A small show was huge to us: Brother and sister were BOB and BOS.
Thank you Anna for Rudie’s great show career debute, BOB-puppy was an excellent start!
Maybe one of the biggest shows for us this year: 64 salt & pepper miniature schnauzers in the […]
Two Winner titles for our girls
Same, same but different. First time on the road with Jack’s owner Emppu, who has seen several horse […]
6 x CAC possibilities, 5 x CACs taken. Imbrez Just Don’t Get It BOB again, Imbrez All Included both days BOS.