Imbrez Crash Boom Bang oli tänä vuonna poroa etsimässä Rovaniemellä ja saikin oman poron porotokan jatkoksi. Pike oli […]
Category Archive: Finland
This year Harjavalta show was a bit later on May, which ment excellent weather and almost ready green […]
First BOB to Imbrez LIght of My Life
Three shows around the country in a day, 2 x BOB and 3 x BOS and 3 new champions. Thank you all involved!
Valmistautuminen näyttelyyn alkoi tuomarin muutoksen merkeissä. Borge Espeland oli tullut uudeksi tuomariksi. Pienen miettimisen jälkeen päätettiin Katrin kanssa […]
Heräsimme Roxien kanssa äitienpäivän kunniaksi vanhempieni luota Kouvolasta aurinkoiseen näyttelyaamuun. Koska iltapäivällä oli tarkoituksena jatkaa matkaa Varkaudesta kohti […]
Two reserves were close, but not enough.
In the beginning of May I had a late winter holiday with my family in Eastern Finland and […]
Kotiseudulle Pohjois-Karjalaan… suunnattiin auton keula. Sukulaisvierailuihin on aina hyvä yhdistää koiranäyttely ja näin oli nytkin. Illaksi Joensuuhun ja […]
Just a weekend trip to the other side of the country offered good friends and nice dogs.
Ansa is back in the business! What a girl power we had, so proud!
What a team we had: 8 salt & peppers and one black & silver! That was huge!
A small show was huge to us: Brother and sister were BOB and BOS.
Thank you Anna for Rudie’s great show career debute, BOB-puppy was an excellent start!
Syntynyt 24.9 pippuri & suola pentuja (4+0) yllä olevasta yhdistelmästä / Born on 24th of September Salt & Pepper puppies (4+0) from the combination […]
New ch. Thank You Anna and Anu! picture Katri Heikkinen
Three Salt & peppers and two blacks. Judge Jens Myrman found only one of them worth cq. And […]
Imbrez Batteries Included, a new champion. Pic: Marita Ollikainen
BOB and new FI ch to Dina. Also two new comers did it just great!
Robin agility ura alkoi syksyllä 2014, jolloin Robi aloitti tutustumisen lajiin perheen muiden koirien harjoitusten lomassa. Talven aikana […]
It was raining on the way to the Rovaniemi. Weather forecast has promised nice sunny weather for most […]
Almost like a home show. We were most afraid of the dark clouds in the sky and possibility […]
After some driving from Riga, and couple of hours sleep, on Sunday we found us from sunny and […]
Roxie, Imbrez Spices Included, asuu Pohjois-Karjalassa Joensuussa, joten vuorossa tällä kertaa oli kauan odotettu alkukesän kotinäyttely – ja […]
Lähdimme Järvenpään kaikkienrotujen näyttelyyn Iitun kanssa. Iitun kanssa olemme harjoitelleet viikon verran vaapaasti seisottamista ja aika mallikaasti se […]
Helsinki… beautifull weather, ubt not defenitely our day. Almost same dogs in the ring, we have met during […]
Syntynyt 18.5. pippuri & suola pentuja (1+3) yllä olevasta yhdistelmästä / Born on 18th of May Salt & Pepper puppies (1+3) from the combination above.
Yes indeed, it was a rainy day, the first one for this outdoor season. So there is not […]
3rd champion title in a week
Sometimes you just notice how lucky you are when you have friends like this. 36 Miniature Schnauzer entries […]
Sisters on tour!. Imbrez Girls 2nd and 3rd
Time for several 3rd placements
Imbrez Drop The Bomb: Best Of Opposite with Certificate and CACIB! And he was only one of 6 Imbrez dogs in Tampere.
Kankaanpää Group Show 9.4.2016 Judge Tanya Ahlman-Stockmari Imbrez Energizer Dina showed and moved herself very well. Result BB2 […]
A new Nord & No & SE & FI ch Imbrez Formalizer