We showed dogs in three colours at Pori International Show for judge Blaz Kavcic from Slovenia. Jack (Imbrez Get Bizzy) started in blacks, and was like another dog compared to Denmark. Stood well and walked nicely almost all the time, so we are quite pleased and happy with him! This time result was not so important than the performance, Champion Class 2 with CQ.
Black and silver junior bitch Aave (Imbrez Opera’s Ghost) entered the show ring second time in adult classes. This 14 months old little missy was owner-handled nicely by Anniina, they really enjoyed the sunny show day: Junior Class 2 and BB3 with re-CC! Wonderful Ansa was today also owner-handled by Annamaria. Beautiful work again, resulting to BOB. Way to go A-girls!
Boris (Imbrez Monster Inc.) won tough Champion Class and was placed BM1 and ended up also BOB.
Grace (Imbrez Too Bizzy To Care) pleased today also our judge’s eye: Champion Class2 and BB2 with re-CACIB which turns into CACIB since winner bitch is already C.I.B., very happy about this CACIB!