The second hot summer weekend and home show. This time the show was a bit different because we had to leave some entered dogs out, and the ones shown were all owner-handled. So only cheering, sun bathing and ice cream for us.
Imbrez Grand Operetta
Diva (Imbrez Grand Operetta) is shown once in a year by her second owner Johanna, and today was the day for this year. Maybe she enters the ring again before the next August. Well done with that little ring training, Champion1, Best Bitch for Diva and BOS.
Imbrez All Included
Junior girl Imbrez All Included was as pretty as ever. Today lovely in over all, but small details placed her second. Thank you Heidi, we have a lot of faith in our little girl!
Then it was time to see how our groomed dogs did. Annamaria with b&s Salli, excellent job in Junior class. And Mia with a bit bigger black dog Best Male and BOS in giants.