9.6. Salo National Dog show

This time Annamaria did it again and handled two dogs to the Best Of Breed. We cannot thank enough her work with Rocky (Imbrez Black Is Back) and Ansa (Imbrez Black Or White). It really has been tremendous. Just look at the pictures from two BOBs.

Imbrez Black Is Back at Salo Nat Group 4Rocky – second Imbrez dog placing in the group finals – group 4th in Salo National Dog Show

Sister and her brother made a great pair in group finals and we can believe it was a hard decision to pick only one miniature schnauzer to the group of 4 best in FCI2. This time it was Rocky. What makes this even greater was that Rocky was in his 5th show ever. Of course he was tired after a long day, but still in the group ring he was willing to show his movements in the best possible way.

We just want to thank Sanna for a possibility to show this handsome guy, Annamaria for all her work in training with Rocky and todays breed judge Mr. Tomas Borkowski from Sasquehanna’s and group jude Katarzyna Fisdzon.


Imbrez Weekend For Fun at SaloAlmost there by Storm

Storm started this show summer too from Salo and so started also the hunt of the last CAC. This time Storm was a bit too short for Mr. Borkowski, but still gained 2nd place in bitches. Now there will be enough expectations for Helsinki show next weekend. And yes again: thank you Ildi and Niko. In the age of four years she is in her best shape ever.