When we drove home from one of the summer shows, me and Suvi decided that it’s about time we also get to show some dogs. On the way home we had time to think who could we show, since Suvi’s Ferro is still growing coat and at home we had nobody needing anything from national shows. So, we came up with few youngsters and entered them. Thank you Mikko for grooming, though!
Imbrez Plan Included debutes
Inc-puppies just turned one year couple of weeks ago, and this Tampere show was Pyry’s first. Young boy being interested in everything around him, but the show, can be a problem… But Pyry behaved really well and I was very proud of him! Excellent critique from judge Andre van den Broek from Netherlands, and best male 2 placement with reserve certificate. A good start, thank you Sanna for your co-operation and letting us borrow Pyry!
Imbrez Plan Included, Best Male 2 with res-CAC.
Imbrez Lucky Luke
Luke is one of the Luckies, and this was his second show ever. And the first time handled by Suvi. Nice work this couple did, now we just wait for the coat to grow! Excellent Luke Best Male 3rd at Tampere. Thank you Camilla for borrowing Luke for showing!
Imbrez Lucky Luke, Best Male 3rd
Imbrez Lucky Me
Nasti girl is visiting us from Jyväskylä for a while. It’s time to work on her coat, and the most of all, to see what this little Ziri and Lucky daughter is made of. High grass was a bit tricky for her lovely movements, however this little sweetheart was Best Bitch 2nd at Tampere show with reserve-certificate. Thank you Anna for letting us have her!
Imbrez Lucky Me, Best Bitch 2nd