5.4. Lappeenranta all breed

Imbrez Spices Included

Roxie is used to travel so this morning we take first a train to Lappeenranta and then taxi to showground to Lappeenranta all breed national easter show. Roxie would like to play with every dog she met on our way, so there were absolutely no show stress at all. And she is only 7,5 months old.

Imbrez Spices Included at Lappeenranta

Our judge Jens Utke Ramsing from Denmark started the miniature schnauzers with Roxie, so todays line of judging was unknown when we entered the ring. Movements were a bit puppiesh but much better than last time. Standing was totally something else now. Our training has been worth and standing went great and Roxie worked like an older pro. Result of the day was HP and BOB puppy with lovely critics for this wonderfull puppy.

Text and Pics Anna & Roxie

Editor note:

It has been great to see Anna’s commitment. She defenitely have had much more than ”just a puppy” and she has really taken all we can offer. Thank you Anna for all your travelling and excellent will to learn all the time!